
logo Grand Batang City

Managed by PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (PT KITB)

Grand Batang City offers 4,300 hectares of prime land for industrial, retail and commercial development.

Promising a competitive investment environment with strong support and policy from Indonesian government.



logo Grand Batang City

Managed by PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (PT KITB)

Grand Batang City offers 4,300 hectares of prime land for industrial, retail and commercial development.

Promising a competitive investment environment with strong support and policy from Indonesian government.



logo Grand Batang City

Managed by PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (PT KITB)

Grand Batang City offers 4,300 hectares of prime land for industrial, retail and commercial development.

Promising a competitive investment environment with strong support and policy from Indonesian government.



Image 1


4.300 ha of Clean & Clear
Land Area, the Largest in
Central Java.

Divided Into
3 Clusters

Image 2


450 ha of Phase 1 is Already

With Toll Access
and road network

Image 3


13 Tenants Have Joined With
The Total Area of 183,3 ha

Currently Under
Construction Phase

Image 4


Projected Workforce On
The Phase 1

Starting Operasional
Targeted In 2024

Image 5


On Going Development of 8,8
ha SFB & Warehouses

Targeted To Be
Finished In 2023

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Image 3


13 Tenants Have Joined With
The Total Area of 183,3 ha

Currently Under
Construction Phase

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Image 3


Starting Operasional
Targeted In 2024

Projected Workforce On
The Phase 1

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Image 3


Targeted To Be
Finished In 2023

On Going Development of 8,8
ha SFB & Warehouses

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Image 3


Divided Into
3 Clusters

4,300 ha of Clean & Clear Land
Area, the Largest in Central Java

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Image 3


With Toll Access
and road network

450 ha of Phase 1 is
Already Developed

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"I will routinely check Grand Batang City because it is very big and attractive. It's a good example for other industries outside of the Java Island."

-Joko Widodo, President of Republic of Indonesia

"KITB can create economic growth that can affect the multiplier effect in the economic sector, especially in the Batang and Central Java regions, so that it can attract many investors from foreign countries."

-Sri Mulyani, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D
Minister of Finance of Republic Indonesia


"I will routinely check Grand Batang City because it is very big and attractive. It's a good example for other industries outside of the Java Island."

-Joko Widodo, President of Republic of Indonesia

"KITB can create economic growth that can affect the multiplier effect in the economic sector, especially in the Batang and Central Java regions, so that it can attract many investors from foreign countries."

-Sri Mulyani, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D
Minister of Finance of Republic Indonesia


Testimonial Joko Widodo

"I will routinely check Grand Batang City because it is very big and attractive. It's a good example for other industries outside of the Java Island."

-Joko Widodo, President of Republic of Indonesia

Sri Mulyani

"KITB can create economic growth that can affect the multiplier effect in the economic sector, especially in the Batang and Central Java regions, so that it can attract many investors from foreign countries."

-Sri Mulyani, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D
Minister of Finance of Republic Indonesia

 Previous   Next 





Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.

Image 1






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Image 1






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Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Cluster 1 - Creation

Industrial Estate & Township


TOTAL AREA : 3,100 Ha

INDUSTRY : 1,388 Ha (44,7%)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in erat sed neque porta viverra et non turpis. Duis molestie felis sagittis ante pulvinar hendrerit. Praesent rhoncus enim vitae nisi porttitor euismod. Integer commodo est tincidunt neque pellentesque, eget euismod lectus sollicitudin.


Learn More


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